Saturday, 17 March 2012

Rooting/Jailbreak HTC wildfire

Things Required :~#

  • Wildfire S with unlocked bootloader or S-OFF. If you’re still on S-ON, you will need XTC-Clip to make it work.
  • file (custom recovery UI) 
  • file (the root script)
  •  micro-SD card on your phone formatted FAT32.
Step By Step Guide :~#

  •  Flashing the Custom Recovery UI 
  1. Place the file into your phone SD card. 
  2. Turn your phone off. 
  3. Hold down the “power” button and the “volume down” button for a few seconds till you see the HBOOT screen. 
  4. Don’t press anything. The system will scan for some files and it will prompt you for an update. Move the cursor to OK (volume up) to start the flashing process.
  5. After it finishes, press the “power” button to restart the system.
  6. Let Android boot and delete the file from your SD card.
  7. Congrats! Custom recovery has been installed. Now we will move on to our 2nd main step .

  • Flashing the rooting script     
  1. Copy the file into your phone SD card.
  2. Turn your phone off.
  3. Boot into recovery: Hold down the “power” button and the “volume down” button for a few seconds till you see the HBOOT screen. Let it do its thing and then select “RECOVERY”.
  4. At the recovery menu, use the volume buttons to select “install zip from sd card”.
  5. Then select “choose zip from sd card”.
  6. Then find the “” file on the list.
  7. Select “YES”.
  8. Let the script do its thing till you see “Install from sd card completed”.
  9. Select “Go Back” on the menu till you find the “power off” option and select it.
  10. Turn your phone back on and let  boot , you are done !

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