CID director Ndegwa Muhoro (left) and Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere Tuesday. They urged the parliamentary committee on education to help pass a law requiring cyber cafes to register their customers.
Moral- Need to take big action Like this By Our Government and Police . Then I sure Decrease the cyber crime graph in India !
Cyber café operators will soon be required to keep a register of all their customers if a proposal by the Police Department aimed at arresting crimes perpetrated through mobile phones and the Internet is adopted.
CID director Ndegwa Muhoro said Parliament should enact a law that would compel cyber cafés to adopt the know-your-customer rules already in place in the banking and mobile phone sectors.
“We are proposing to this committee to help us have a legal framework that will compel all cyber shops log in their users with their identity cards and time spent on the computers registered,” he told members of the parliamentary committee on education, which is investigating the cancellation of examination results for nearly 1,700 Form Four candidates from North Eastern Province.
Mr Muhoro said cyber cafes remained a missing link in recent efforts aimed at containing crime by tracking Internet use to a particular computer.
“It is difficult to pin down criminals who use cyber cafe computers at any given time unless they are logged in,” he said, adding that most of the cheating during last year’s examinations involved SMS on mobile phones and e-mails.
Although a conviction had been secured on a criminal who used SMSs to leak the exams, he said failure to operationalise a law requiring all mobile phone SIM card holders to register with the Communications Commission of Kenya was posing a threat to national security.Moral- Need to take big action Like this By Our Government and Police . Then I sure Decrease the cyber crime graph in India !
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